Here's a little numbers work for you. Gallup.com reported that the average poll puts Duhbya's approval rating at 29%. This is deplorable to be sure but the real question is why is the glass even 1/3 full? The United States is populated by just over 305.7 million people. Now to be fair 169 million* are registered voters and should be the control group for this kind of polling. If the numbers are correct that means of the people who should be at least somewhat in the know, a touch more than 49 million of them approve of the job George W. Bush has done. I'll spell it out; forty-nine million! Who the hell are these people? It frightens me to think there are almost 50,000,000 absolute knuckleheads that call the same soil I do home. How can you possibly approve of the unkept undercarriage that has been this administration? Here's another sickening figure; one month ago the approval rating was 25%. Using the same 169 million registered voters we are looking at 42.25 million people that approved last month. That means during the time the Republican Party was given the finger by voters (namely because George made Republican a bad word) and the economy spiraled further down the toilet, 6.75 million people changed their minds and now approve. Want to know why we look like idiots to the rest of the world? Do the math.
*Note - Of the 225 million potential voters 169 million registered and about 122 million voted this year. That makes 75% of potential voters cared enough to register and only 75% of them actually voted in this "historic" election.
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