Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Belated Interview Review

The Job in the late September post ended up being most Uncouraging. The night before the Interview, I googled the company to learn some jargon I could spit back at my Interviewer, only to find that the company name was all over a bunch of scam warning websites. The Company had four different names, all listed at the same address, and when I arrived in their parking lot I noticed that the parking signs listed one name, the archway sign another and the glass front door yet another. None of the were the company name used on the job posting I had found.

Much as the scam warning had warned, I was rushed through a nonsensical interview and met with anger when I asked logical questions. During the Interview I could hear loud techno music coming from the lobby that had been decorated like a night club and had a similar smell. The receptionist looked like 2 am on a Saturday morning outside of the night club they were trying to imitate in the lobby. The Interviewer looked like the drunk guy in a cheap suit with semi-slicked back hair that was going to try to bring the receptionist home. His knuckledragger response to my logical queries solidified his meat-headedness.

Moments after I left the purposely uninformative interview, I was called by the streaked eyeliner receptionist and encouraged to come back the next day for a "Second Interview" that would take place on-site at a store location with one of their Sales Reps and would consist of me working for eight hours hawking cheap products on the sidewalk in front of a legitimate store that had forgotten to previously, but would soon, put up a no soliciting sign the front window. I declined the uncouraging offer and decided to remain unemployed with dignity.

For a solid laugh at my expense check out the following Link:


Peace be with the damned,
Little Bro Uncouraged (LBU)

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